Tips for Getting Proper Healthcare as a Woman

5 Ways An Obstetrician Can Help You

An obstetrician specialises in pregnancy and childbirth. If you're pregnant, you may wonder what kind of help you can expect from your obstetrician. Here are five ways that your doctor can assist you during your pregnancy.

1. Prenatal Care

When you're pregnant, it's important to receive regular prenatal care from an obstetrician. They will monitor your baby's health and development throughout your pregnancy. Prenatal care is also an opportunity for you to ask questions or express any concerns about your pregnancy. In addition, your obstetrician can provide you with information and support to help you have a healthy pregnancy. They can also coordinate with other healthcare team members, such as your midwife or GP, to ensure you receive the information you need.

2. Delivery

An obstetrician will be there to provide you with medical care during labour and delivery. They can also provide you with pain relief options, such as an epidural or gas and air.

3. Postnatal Care

After you give birth, an obstetrician can provide postnatal care. This type of care includes checkups to ensure you are healing properly and check on your baby's health. Your obstetrician can also offer advice on breastfeeding, sleep, and other postpartum issues.

4. Genetic Counselling

As an expectant parent, you may spend time worrying about your baby's health. And for good reason—bringing a new life into the world is a big responsibility! If you're concerned about the chance your baby may have a genetic disorder, you should talk to your obstetrician about genetic counselling. During genetic counselling, your obstetrician will discuss your risks and options. They can also offer testing to determine if your baby has a genetic disorder and information about the impact a disorder could have on your child. With support from your obstetrician, you can make informed decisions about your pregnancy.

5. High-Risk Pregnancy Care

A high-risk pregnancy poses a greater risk to the mother and baby. This can be due to various factors, including pre-existing medical conditions, age, lifestyle choices, and previous pregnancies. If you have been told you may have a high-risk pregnancy, it's important to seek out the care of an obstetrician. They're able to provide you with closer monitoring and more personalised care. This care may include additional ultrasound scans and blood tests.

If you would like to find out more, contact an obstetrician. They will be happy to answer any questions or discuss your concerns about your pregnancy.